
We are ISO27001 certified.

We use your personal information only to:

  1. Provide the goods, services and support you requested;
  2. Maintain / improve our goods, services and support;
  3. Develop new products;
  4. Provide optimized individually developed product;
  5. Register the robot manufacturer for maintenance of the robots, if you require a system with robots;
  6. Send correspondence to you, for example safety information, version ups, feedback and new releases;
  7. Prevent prohibited or illegal activities;
  8. Protect WAVE Corp., our users and the public;

We may disclose your personal information in connection with fraud prevention and other legal action; when required by law or regulation; If we think it to be necessary to protect WAVE, our product, our customers, or the public.

Except for the above cases, we will not disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent.
We use encryption in collecting or transferring your information with a 256-bit Secure Sockets Layer system.